Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Anne Coulter's problem with reality.

Anne Coulter has never really been one for logic, primarily because it tends not to sell well with the target audiences of the drivel she normally tries to pass off as non-fiction. Her arguments tend to be saturated with so much hyperbole that they don't even resemble the things that she claims to be parodying, moreover the so-called "conservative" principles that she claims to stand for are anything but, unless one associates the term with "big government". But more importantly, she has been a consistent champion of losers of late, throwing the closest thing to an endorsement during the 2008 election to Hillary Clinton over McCain, and insisting that all Republicans coalesce behind Romney since so-called rising start turned New Jersey liberal Chris Christie was not running.

In keeping with her obviously ineffective methods and inability to find a decent face to put in front of her warped police-state ideology, the author of this blog wishes to thank her for boldly condemning Senator Rand Paul's potential run for president in 2016 in her usual idiotic form. Not only has she mercifully disassociated herself from arguably the only decent presidential candidate coming down the pike, but has also managed to bring Sean Hannity (of all people) all the closer to actually moderating his normally over-zealous War on Terror views. Granted, Hannity is more of a GOP creature than an ideologue of any level of consistency, but the fact that he has done a complete 180 on Paul the younger (compared to his vicious assaults on Ron Paul from 2 years ago) definitely opens up some potential for Rand's primary prospects.

Nevertheless, it is important to point out the problems with Anne Coulter's hyperbolic assertions regarding Rand Paul. The fact that he has argued for lighter sentences for non-violent crimes such as marijuana use and possession does not necessarily mean that he is pro-drug use, nor does his ideas for reforming America's immigration policy amount to Amnesty (this would imply that he would grant every undocumented person in this country instant citizenship, no questions asked). Similarly, when considering that Rand Paul and the Libertarian movement have spoke at length regarding such issues as foreign policy, civil liberties, gun ownership, monetary policy and the gargantuan debt that continues to rise despite disingenuous rhetoric about budget cuts by both Dems. and the GOP alike (baseline cuts are not cuts, a cut is when the actual amount of spending decreases).

Anyway, for those not bereft of the basic principle that 2+2=4, Coulter's idiocy in this is immediately obvious. But for all of the moronic people who insist that what Lindsey Graham and John McCain say is always true regardless of the facts, watch the video below and tell me who you find yourself agreeing with, Coulter or Hannity? This is one of those rare occasions where your normal inclination towards just backing the Republican won't help you make a decision and you'll actually have to dust off that section of your brain normally reserved for critical thinking. Though for me, every event is a chance to exercise my ability to determine the nuances and finer points of both the small and larger picture.

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